
DSC_4349Since my oldest son was born, I have spent hours and hours pouring over websites to find the perfect places for our family to visit.  We love exploring all that Atlanta Metro has to offer (and sometimes we fancy a road trip around the south, as well.)  The boys and I have something planned everyday, without fail.  This is our way of sharing that with you.

My mission is to encourage you to get out and explore Atlanta Metro with your family.  If you only use a few ideas a month, my mission will not be in vain.

I hope to hear from you about your journey!


PS – Potential partners can view my portfolio here.

71930_10151566928713530_1518805149_nLesli serves as Trekaroo‘s Destination Guroo for the Southern States, a parent-driven reviews website dedicated to exploring and traveling with kids. She is owner of 365AtlantaFamily, which offers a daily dose of inspiration to local families, and is also a freelance family travel writer for several other publications including Homeschool.com/Travel, A Luxury Travel Blog, Atlanta Parent Magazine, and more. She is a homeschooling mom to 2 young boys and bonus mom to two teenagers. From her home base of Atlanta, Lesli spends her time life-learning with the kids one adventure at a time, and sharing her experiences along the way. Find Lesli at Google

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Heather Greene said:


    Thanks so much for this site. You do a great job!

    Heather in Snellville

  2. OMG, thank so much for your site! It’s awesome. You’ve helped us quickly get a plan for those Saturday mornings where nothing is booked and we’re looking for an adventure.

    Quick question: I was going to try and get a map and use push pins to show our adventures for the kiddo. I am not having great luck finding a large wall map. Any suggestions?

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